Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Money is not life

Money is not life

"No money deem more or less than it is worth, because it is a good servant and a bad master."-Alexander Dumas
Men and women spend money and have concepts of "necessary" quite different.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

Any black wire to say that these differences often run wild in friction, fights, breakers and sets off the top rope is not discovered.
The thing is that it becomes something beyond what each person wants to become a power struggle in the jungle that everyone is invented.
No doubt there are both prejudices aside as another. We could never understand how they spend so much on makeup or some rejuvenating cream made with a magical mix of albino walrus oil, sludge and the slopes of Popocatepetl sauce widow.
Women do not conceive how a man can pay as much for football jersey, beer or some game where we can practice martial arts and severity tummy deny us in reality.
Moreover, it is all that tangle of "who pays" when a man and a woman are dating, where often the courtship ritual is also influenced by the financial.
There are women who believe that man is obligated to pay, "because interest has feet" because "if I invited is because he wants to pay" or worse in the arsenal: "I do not pay because I am woman”.
Off, off and ricotta!
Of course there is also the man who believes, as an honorable cave, your duty as alpha male is to discover fire, invent the wheel and be the great provider. Naturally, the ends often have negative implications.
The role of women has changed greatly in recent history. No wonder it is said that the twentieth century was in many ways the century of women.
It is also obvious that there is no role or position of women homogeneous, as there is diversity of thoughts that goes from the most conservative to the liberal.  
But the fact is that more and more women reach a position that is not a privilege but the right: being with a man because they want to, not because they need it.
Conflicts for the ticket there, the thing is to decide the approach: "goad" the other to try to impose their own interests (get away with); diplomacy or put the matter and seek joint solutions (get away with).
Assuming that we walk with collective minds, we try to explore the second option.

The first recommendation is not based on prejudices from.
The principal is this that has become almost dogma always comes with the cliché that women are very sentimental and very rational men.
Well, "not so much to burn the holy and therefore do not shine”.
Of course men do sentimental expenses, for example, buy the fertilizer to the stadium.  I myself am one of them.
Also recognize that to me is not and never has been an activity of "leisure", but a passion for football and his bittersweet wonderland, unbridled affection-and certainly irrational-the colors of my team.
If a man assumes that you cannot discuss a financial matter with a woman because she, "did not understand”, "does not matter much" or "think of other things to women" , and won!
For so is closing the door, negating the possibility of dialogue or decreasing the chances of an agreement. How do you get to agree with someone if you do not respect your opinion?
This brings us to another bias: the belief that we know what the other thinks or cares, and each head is a world, or a barbecue.
CNN Money conducted an interesting poll about who can support us to illustrate how money matters remain a traditionalist approach roles in couples.
For example, most men are responsible for the "decisions and important issues" financially; for example, 77 percent of men decide what to invest in, for only 22 percent of women; in contrast most women take care of minor issues, such as paying bills or daily expenses.
Another interesting finding of the survey: only 45 percent of men think that your partner cares goals, like saving for retirement or emergencies, when the percentage of women who do care about the issues mentioned is 68 percent.
Miramar Pay’s wick!
And this self-criticism, or slap guajolotera zap shaker for us men, judging incapable or uninterested women in these matters is necessary; but it is also a warning to the women ask for it instead.
Impositions require two parts: making it and which is left, so you have to seek dialogue.
Mind you, this does not mean declaring an outbreak of hostilities with the ogre devouring roast because not going there.
They are aware, as many times we repeat roles, values ​​and attitudes that are what we know, what we've always seen, what we judge as supposedly "normal or right."

For women, it is not worth asking for fairness and not taken, and by the side of men, clinging to always be conservative role of the provider.
A good buddy recently told me: "One thing is what you want, and another which says the beast" , but with that feline humor I was communicating his awareness that decisions are not taken alone, for the simple reason you are not alone.
Each one earns his money and can burn whatever he wants, true, but there is also a tacit commitment to the couple when deciding certain expenses.

It is a matter of choosing between the ring and the dialogue table.

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