Tuesday, 3 June 2014

I want to go shopping, but I need to save!

 I want to go shopping, but I need to save!

Shopping is a "need", but it is important to save; here are tips to make both.
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All women, without exception, enjoys shopping; but sometimes it can not be done because it is more important to save, and indeed it is, because as parents would say "have a ahorrito always out of trouble. "

However, as good women, if we managed to go shopping but do not have enough money to buy without measure and save at the same time.

But the important thing here is to know and not spend it as compulsively as there are immediate obligations; so the point is to prioritize and then we can give us and an "affordable luxury".

What to do?

As more women tend to spend shopping is obviously in clothing, shoes and beauty products. But studies have found that buy more in beauty products, for what we always want our skin to look radiant and especially "young".

So if we go by beauty products, what to do, is to purchase alternative products and not typical of trademarks; that cost half the articles of "super" brands and the effect is the same, and even have more natural ingredients and less chemicals. Thus, it satisfies the need to purchase yet, you're saving.

On the other hand, if you call more attention you buy a "mountain" of clothing, you should limit yourself to buy a few items; select those that you love and that you consider "need" to have more do not buy clothes, because this is probably not necessary in your wardrobe and just trying to fill an emotional void.

Something you must conduct before "throw" to buy, is to review your wardrobe so you know what you lack and so will be easier to remember what NOT to buy because of time is not urgent; and the same can be applied to both the shoes and the thousand and one accessories that every woman wants.

These tips are basic and probably already know, but what stands out is that most of the time, we go shopping for a lack of affection and not just because they "have to".
So that is in you, identify those times when you decide you want compulsively shopping and those in which really should do but not only to buy, but because you lack something you will occupy.

And, surely, this way you can shop and save at the same time; and you can even save more than what you buy, because you'll know when to and when not.

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