Tuesday, 3 June 2014

How to Attract New Prospects Interested in the Residential Sector

How to Attract New Prospects Interested in the Residential Sector

Do not you think that all your friends, acquaintances or distant relatives are Realtors? How could anyone, especially someone new to the industry, to be able to succeed when faced with immense competition?
The answer begins to appear when you think about the following questions:
How many of the licensed real estate agents have the TALENT that is required for success in sales?
How many of them have been trained to use EFFECTIVE TECHNICAL SALES?
How many of them know how to effectively PROSPECT?
How many of them know YOU ASK to determine the factors that are critical in the buying decision of each prospect?
How many of them take their profession seriously and are WILLING TO PUT THE EFFORT AND TIME it takes to build a successful business?
How many of them regularly SOLD MANY HOMES MONTHLY?
The rule of 80/20 definitely applies to the field of residential real estate. In fact, some statistics suggest that the rate is more like 90/10 (where 90% of home sales are made by 10% of realtors), with the vast majority of home sales made by 1% that found in the elite.
That said, how can you attract customer’s rookie realtor? Building Your Credibility and RELATIONS. Explore both issues separately.
How to Build Credibility
Imagine that you are a complete novice agent real estate that just passed the license examination. Why would someone come to you to help you make what may be the biggest investment of their lives? What would you of other licensed real estate agents stand out?
If you are a novice in the profession, you will have no success story or testimony referring to which answers to those questions. However, there are many things you can do to quickly build your credibility. Here are some examples:
You can perform in-depth research on a specific aspect of your local real estate market and writing a "White Paper" or a "Special Report" to share with your prospects. Examples of topics could be "The Best Markets in (a specific area)" and "Prices of used homes for sale in the Last 12 months (a particular community)."
You can compile a "List of Resources for Newcomers" to show your prospects business premises, utilities, recreation, family restaurants, etc... Locality.
You can write articles and give free talks that have as subject the result of their investigations. There is great power in BE AUTHOR. If you can place useful information that has your name on it in the hands of potential prospects, you will gain credibility.
How to Build Relationships
A good start is to make sure that everyone knows (friends, family, acquaintances, old business contacts, etc...) You have received a licensed real estate agent. No matter where they live - who knows if one of your partners or friends decide to move to where your target market? The best single approach, a message of “soft sell” likes this "if you listen to someone who is interested in buying or selling a home, please let them know it would be my pleasure to help you."
When you make sure that everyone knows his new profession, begin to build new relationships. Do not just those contacts that are prospects. Also look for opportunities to develop relationships with people who can refer prospects. This includes:
Mortgage brokers
Vendors other than competition (egg, vendors of new homes only if you sell existing homes)
Property managers
Managers of corporate relocations
You can also seek relationships with people who have a large list of clients, such as accountants, financial advisors, and insurance agents.
Focus will be known your potential prospects and referral sources as PEOPLE. What do you do for a living? Why call them have a try? What are your concerns? What are your personal interests and their passions?
If you keep your "radar on" constantly, you never know when you get a resource that can be useful for someone else. If you focus on helping others to fulfill their goals and fulfill their needs and desires, you will be amazed with the number of referrals that come after him.
As you build your list of satisfied customers, you can expand your sales success through referrals and testimonials. However, the strategies described in this article have always given a higher boost his chances. 

Article translated and published with the express permission of the author
Credits photos and images. Microsoft Corporation

Translation made ​​for Realtor Essentials.com by Monica Loeb Janet Wiles

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