Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Tips to save on gasoline

Tips to save on gasoline

Incredibly, a car in good condition can save up to 15 percent gasoline.
Oil changes and check the engine manufacturer's recommended intervals, keep the engine running efficiently and results in fuel savings. Small details like keeping tires inflated to the maximum suggested by the manufacturer and also helps alignment and balancing. 2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

Check out these tips and recommendations to reduce fuel consumption and watch your family finances. Plan your day Plan the day so as not to make unnecessary trips or go through the same areas several times. Try to make your earrings when there is heavy traffic and use other means of transportation when possible as the subway or bus.

Change the way you drive

when driving habits are responsible for up to 20 percent of gasoline consumption. Avoid accelerating your car to the max and start to rush. Also seeks to brake early.
Do not exceed 80 kph as it is the optimum speed to save gas. Keep the car at a steady speed as long as possible, the acceleration and braking is often an unnecessary waste of gasoline. Do not let your car ignition when parked, it spends more than turn off then. Do not accelerate the car just before shutdown, this wastes fuel needlessly, nor hasten in full swing, it is better to do it slowly and do not push the pedal to the metal. buying a new car compares the economy giving you each must note that vehicles with larger engines than 6 or 8 cylinders and 4x4 trucks consume more gasoline.


Procura have proper tire pressure. Tires inflated in poor condition and decrease fuel economy. Check the pressure regularly, it is advisable to do it every three or four weeks on a vehicle in everyday use.
Air conditioning
in cars with air conditioning, to put up the 10 percent consumption increases. Do not use air conditioning when not needed, this can save you up to 20 percent. It is best to leave the thermostat (if any) at about 23 ° C, is a comfortable enough temperature to not sweat or cool.
On entering air through open windows or create a semi-open turbulence and slow the car need more fuel is consumed. Use built-in fan to the car system.


If your car has a front or side stroke, affect the consumption whenever overdo the speed of 100 kph. Keep your speed down, or better yet, repair it.

Oil and engine

oil must be changed when the manufacturer recommended, usually every 3 months. The good oil helps reduce internal engine friction. Use multigrade oil that helps to save energy.
Check the manual for your car so you know when the engine tuning required. This will help you save gas because all parts are functioning properly.
Other Recommendations
Load gasoline during coolest time of day, either morning or afternoon, since fuel is denser and yields more.
Choose the type of gasoline carefully according to the model and engine type.
Avoid filling the tank full to the brim and stops as soon as you get the hose stops. In this way the tank ventilation is not obstructed.
Avoid high engine heat; 30 seconds is more than sufficient.
Turn the engine off when you have to wait for more than two minutes.
The windows must remain closed when traveling at highway or high speed. If you leave them open the air entering the car causes friction and resistance is created.
Air conditioners reduced from 10 percent to 20 kilometers.
Get rid of anything you do not need from the trunk of the car. The more items you have in your car, you will pay less gasoline.
Never use the throttle to keep the car stopped on a rise.
Accelerate before climbing a hill or curve, not while you're at it.
The curves require extra gasoline is going for the shortest and direct routes.

Avoid roads that are in bad shape because the bumps reduce gas mileage up to 30 percent.

How to save on consumption of light?

How to save on consumption of light?

The electricity, gas, water ... are services which cannot be dispensed at home. When a bill arrives, sometimes we do not want to open not see how much to pay what to do to save on consumption?
In the specific case of energy, there are certain recommendations that save and make efficient use of this service. Here the detail.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

Use compact fluorescent bulbs last ten times longer and use four times less energy.
Paint the interior of your home with light colors (white, beige, etc...), the light is reflected and therefore requires less energy to light.
Place your refrigerator away from the stove and away from sunlight. Check the door seal perfectly, if not close properly can generate up to three times the normal consumption.
Try to keep waste clean the microwave, oven, toaster, and consume less energy.
Do not leave burning lamps, radios, TVs or other electrical appliances when no one is using.
Load the washing machine whenever the allowable maximum and you will decrease the amount of weekly loads.

The iron is an appliance that consumes a lot of energy. Iron as many clothes each time, because connects many times the iron causes increased energy expenditure to keep it on for a while. Nor let unnecessarily connected.

With my income is it possible to save?

With my income is it possible to save?

Everyone tells us that the key to our heritage to save. But how do you save? If sometimes there's nothing left, and by the end of the fortnight we are making incredible maneuvers with cards and cash to stay afloat with the payments. Those were the days when less salary, reached up for holidays and the occasional taste. But times have changed, today, one income is insufficient, and sometimes not only have a job. A "second income" or "alternate" business somehow has allowed many couples to obtain the means to maintain the same standard of living.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy
So what's the problem? Why cannot you save? It is true that lately everything has gone up in price; however having more income and therefore more money does not mean you have to spend a preteen "luxuries" that perhaps has never needed; .
It is time to evaluate our list of monthly expenses and realize if cheap washing the car at home or a car wash, to go every week to "carwash"; or, if we're both going to the movies, tickets cost us less on certain days and certain times.
In short, these criteria you set in your budget; are habits that have to acquire in assessing you’re spending and resist certain temptations. Then we suggest you follow these steps for you to reconsider how you spend your salary:
Know their real needs. What are the expenses that cannot be avoided? Fixed costs such as rent, utilities, gasoline, pantry, etc... Your budget should be based on these costs.
What items or services you purchase during the month cannot be without? Have other expenses of those who could refrain? The latter are the expenses that you have to focus, because tastes are perhaps only give you but do not correspond to your level of income. Think about how many times a month incur these unnecessary expenses; if you add up the total, you will be surprised. This list needs to be short and subject to restrictions as your budget.
What about those little expenses that do not carry accounts? Five dollars here, beyond 8 pesos, 15 pesos later. Recapitulates some of these costs and realize if you could have avoided them. If you do not remember what ticket you brought 200 spent in your bag, should you begin to aim for a few days each of the small expenses that you do and you will realize what is happening.
What is the total revenue? Compare your income with a list of real needs and additional expenses in the month. You'll notice a difference and maybe have a chance to save a little.
It is easy to make a list of needs, but implementing it is not. Yet on the list of needs for the month, you have to evaluate whether you really should be such that expense. Just reflect on the following: They are being organized in the turns and slopes that make the car? Is it necessary to leave so many lights on at night or when they leave home? Have a calendar to use the washing machine or wash only what comes out the day even when not complete a charge? In the cupboard there sardine cans and boxes of cookies that never opened and the expiration date is because you went to the grocery store hungry and you get cravings? Is it advisable to have the daily newspaper subscription if they have them stacked because they have time to read it?
There unnecessary expenses but the incriminating time and we cannot avoid. This is when we make a gift to a friend or family; support a raffle ticket to a friend, etc... Still, we can look at how to plan the purchase of birthday gifts, Mother's Day or Christmas so we spend less or purchase the raffle ticket in several installments. The important thing is not to spend the money we have already earmarked for other expenses, or spend thinking about that "after sale".

It will not be easy at first refrain of some expenses and tastes, but can easily refrain from that and you detect some expenses that are completely dispensable. Gradually, you will see that it is possible to save, and it is only a matter of organization. Luck!

Want to buy house?

Want to buy house?

Check out the tips in this article about the health of your finances.
Want to buy house?
One of the dreams plans or just like all couples is to have a home. Self reaffirming with the arrival of children.
But? together how down payment Unless extra work is of a good business is realized, there is a raise or be a lucky (or) lottery winner; That put together for the down payment on a house may seem a bit difficult.
However, if you meditate a little, everything is possible with only "organized”; the key is to reduce expenses.
Where to begin? Although reducing costs is a matter of personal preference, here are some tips that will allow you to have an idea of how to begin to cut spending in order to save enough for a down payment on your home, closing costs and contingency.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

Eliminate your consumer debt. All those debts, which are tiny, acquired either in department stores, supermarkets, bank or credit per car. It rid of these debts is vital for the financial health.
If your debt is high with high interest rates, and you have saved money, enough to pay your debts; considers restructure or refinance your debt. Such agreements allow you to follow the interests not raising the amount of debt, but also give the possibility to have fixed payments. Then, make an effort to recover cash and to pay those debts as soon as possible.
If you are someone who usually has credit cards of all banks, get rid of them. Every credit card implies an annual cost that you have to shell out, plus it is a double-edged sword, it gives you the chance to unnecessarily into debt do not you think? If you want you can keep one for emergencies only, and shall be charged by the bank less on account management fees and interest.
If your salary or wages you deposit it to a debit card, seeks only what is necessary to get your expenses. One advantage today is that the debit cards accepted at most stores, so you will not run risks carry a lot of cash in the bag.
Make your expenses detailed by week, fortnight or month analysis. Make a list of fixed costs such as services, rent, utility, gasoline, etc... Makes cuts in the parts that are unnecessary. Even if your income is not too high, you'll see it appear you can avoid unnecessary expenses.

. Everyone needs a roof over their heads, clothes and shoes, it is an expense that cannot be avoided, however what you can do is try to buy quality at a good price Please review shopping places; sometimes a pair of good brand have lower cost in a shoe shop in the center of the city in a luxury department store; or the house where you live in the same space you can rent it in another area at a lower price.

Save energy with air conditioning!

Save energy with air conditioning!

Taking into account the recommendations for the use of energy
Save energy with air conditioning!
One of the "myths" of air conditioners is the excessive use of energy generated; it is reflected in the electric bill.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy
Having an air conditioner has become in recent years, for some families, an essential item at home. It is true that you can get to shoot service costs, but this mainly depends on the use and maintenance to be provided with a device so comfortable.
The measures for efficient use of energy with respect to the air conditioning, which recommends the same Commission Federal de Electrician, are:
Use vegetation to your advantage. If you can, plant trees at strategic points as they help create shade in the summer.
Installed at strategic points in the house, awnings or overhangs inclined, aluminum shutters, tinted glass, coatings, mesh, or plastic films; this prevents the sun from reaching directly into.
Proper insulation of walls and ceilings helps maintain a comfortable temperature in the house.
If you have central air conditioning, it is desirable that the pipelines were also isolated.
Make sure doors and windows are closed before turning on the climate.
Check windows and sealed with silicone paste it where you see the cold air can escape the weather.
When you replace or buy the equipment, check that it is suitable to your needs.

Dale periodic maintenance and clean the filters regularly. Watch the thermostat, it can mean an additional saving of electricity if left at 25 ° C (78 ° F) in summer.

Money is not life

Money is not life

"No money deem more or less than it is worth, because it is a good servant and a bad master."-Alexander Dumas
Men and women spend money and have concepts of "necessary" quite different.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

Any black wire to say that these differences often run wild in friction, fights, breakers and sets off the top rope is not discovered.
The thing is that it becomes something beyond what each person wants to become a power struggle in the jungle that everyone is invented.
No doubt there are both prejudices aside as another. We could never understand how they spend so much on makeup or some rejuvenating cream made with a magical mix of albino walrus oil, sludge and the slopes of Popocatepetl sauce widow.
Women do not conceive how a man can pay as much for football jersey, beer or some game where we can practice martial arts and severity tummy deny us in reality.
Moreover, it is all that tangle of "who pays" when a man and a woman are dating, where often the courtship ritual is also influenced by the financial.
There are women who believe that man is obligated to pay, "because interest has feet" because "if I invited is because he wants to pay" or worse in the arsenal: "I do not pay because I am woman”.
Off, off and ricotta!
Of course there is also the man who believes, as an honorable cave, your duty as alpha male is to discover fire, invent the wheel and be the great provider. Naturally, the ends often have negative implications.
The role of women has changed greatly in recent history. No wonder it is said that the twentieth century was in many ways the century of women.
It is also obvious that there is no role or position of women homogeneous, as there is diversity of thoughts that goes from the most conservative to the liberal.  
But the fact is that more and more women reach a position that is not a privilege but the right: being with a man because they want to, not because they need it.
Conflicts for the ticket there, the thing is to decide the approach: "goad" the other to try to impose their own interests (get away with); diplomacy or put the matter and seek joint solutions (get away with).
Assuming that we walk with collective minds, we try to explore the second option.

The first recommendation is not based on prejudices from.
The principal is this that has become almost dogma always comes with the cliché that women are very sentimental and very rational men.
Well, "not so much to burn the holy and therefore do not shine”.
Of course men do sentimental expenses, for example, buy the fertilizer to the stadium.  I myself am one of them.
Also recognize that to me is not and never has been an activity of "leisure", but a passion for football and his bittersweet wonderland, unbridled affection-and certainly irrational-the colors of my team.
If a man assumes that you cannot discuss a financial matter with a woman because she, "did not understand”, "does not matter much" or "think of other things to women" , and won!
For so is closing the door, negating the possibility of dialogue or decreasing the chances of an agreement. How do you get to agree with someone if you do not respect your opinion?
This brings us to another bias: the belief that we know what the other thinks or cares, and each head is a world, or a barbecue.
CNN Money conducted an interesting poll about who can support us to illustrate how money matters remain a traditionalist approach roles in couples.
For example, most men are responsible for the "decisions and important issues" financially; for example, 77 percent of men decide what to invest in, for only 22 percent of women; in contrast most women take care of minor issues, such as paying bills or daily expenses.
Another interesting finding of the survey: only 45 percent of men think that your partner cares goals, like saving for retirement or emergencies, when the percentage of women who do care about the issues mentioned is 68 percent.
Miramar Pay’s wick!
And this self-criticism, or slap guajolotera zap shaker for us men, judging incapable or uninterested women in these matters is necessary; but it is also a warning to the women ask for it instead.
Impositions require two parts: making it and which is left, so you have to seek dialogue.
Mind you, this does not mean declaring an outbreak of hostilities with the ogre devouring roast because not going there.
They are aware, as many times we repeat roles, values ​​and attitudes that are what we know, what we've always seen, what we judge as supposedly "normal or right."

For women, it is not worth asking for fairness and not taken, and by the side of men, clinging to always be conservative role of the provider.
A good buddy recently told me: "One thing is what you want, and another which says the beast" , but with that feline humor I was communicating his awareness that decisions are not taken alone, for the simple reason you are not alone.
Each one earns his money and can burn whatever he wants, true, but there is also a tacit commitment to the couple when deciding certain expenses.

It is a matter of choosing between the ring and the dialogue table.

Tips to save on super

Tips to save on super

Everything is possible, the key is knowing buy
Tips to save on super
How many times have you bought things on the super ending begins to spoil or throwing them away? Did you buy things past that you already had at home? Such purchases will definitely affect the household economy. 2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

Maintaining healthy finances is a task sometimes becomes difficult, especially when crisis that directly or indirectly affect our economy is going through. As impossible as it may seem, even in these conditions can be saved if you want to.

How? The key is knowing buy. Check out these tips that we give you to help you save on your grocery shopping.

Do not go to the supermarket hungry. says the saying "full belly, happy heart," if you go to the supermarket when you have not eaten, probably everything you crave and want to buy even when not needed.
. Make a list before going to the supermarket are many advantages of making a list before you leave home allows you to not forget anything, save time in the supermarket, as buy things you require and do not buy more, and well not repeat products.
Takes as one's choice of store brands. products with the store brand is cheaper or put them on sale more often. Also are quality products that most often are produced by reputable companies, just label them with the name of the store.
If possible, compare prices. Sometimes supermarkets are perishable goods on sale, and other non-perishable; your pocket is convenient to check these offers and you will be surprised at how much is the total savings account.
Prepare food at home . It is true that there are times that you have to buy emergency food prepared; but buy almost daily shake makes your finances. It is better to prepare food at home; if you work you can plan a weekly menu and not have to burden you with the classic question what tomorrow how? And of course you will come much cheaper.
Check the expiration carefully. Especially in dairy products and meats, as there are times that are about to expire, and do not quite time consuming before marking, which inevitably leads to discarding. Choose products which revocation is the possible withdrawal of the current date.
Use the discount coupons . Although we are not a country with the "culture of coupon", anyway it should be considered for use, as they often represent a huge savings not only due to discounts, but free products obtained.
Ponte attentive in the box. Sometimes products that are supposed to offer are not properly labeled, so it is essential to check and be attentive to register when paying in cash. If someone is with you, you can concentrate solely on price check, if you're one good idea is put forward that all products are discounted.
Beware of last minute temptations. most of the time the products you find near the cash registers cost more to be individual portions or special packages. Before taking it, Question yourself if it's worth and if you purchase is necessary.

I want to go shopping, but I need to save!

 I want to go shopping, but I need to save!

Shopping is a "need", but it is important to save; here are tips to make both.
I want to go shopping, but I need to save!2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

All women, without exception, enjoys shopping; but sometimes it can not be done because it is more important to save, and indeed it is, because as parents would say "have a ahorrito always out of trouble. "

However, as good women, if we managed to go shopping but do not have enough money to buy without measure and save at the same time.

But the important thing here is to know and not spend it as compulsively as there are immediate obligations; so the point is to prioritize and then we can give us and an "affordable luxury".

What to do?

As more women tend to spend shopping is obviously in clothing, shoes and beauty products. But studies have found that buy more in beauty products, for what we always want our skin to look radiant and especially "young".

So if we go by beauty products, what to do, is to purchase alternative products and not typical of trademarks; that cost half the articles of "super" brands and the effect is the same, and even have more natural ingredients and less chemicals. Thus, it satisfies the need to purchase yet, you're saving.

On the other hand, if you call more attention you buy a "mountain" of clothing, you should limit yourself to buy a few items; select those that you love and that you consider "need" to have more do not buy clothes, because this is probably not necessary in your wardrobe and just trying to fill an emotional void.

Something you must conduct before "throw" to buy, is to review your wardrobe so you know what you lack and so will be easier to remember what NOT to buy because of time is not urgent; and the same can be applied to both the shoes and the thousand and one accessories that every woman wants.

These tips are basic and probably already know, but what stands out is that most of the time, we go shopping for a lack of affection and not just because they "have to".
So that is in you, identify those times when you decide you want compulsively shopping and those in which really should do but not only to buy, but because you lack something you will occupy.

And, surely, this way you can shop and save at the same time; and you can even save more than what you buy, because you'll know when to and when not.



"... I've done what you suggested me, but I seem to convince myself to push the rock up the mountain!"

This allusion refers to someone who is in a predicament and whether that person would jump off a mountain, a river to dive is escaping down a band of drunken Indians who want to attack him. My advice in these situations is to try to stop and reflect for a moment, then tie the end of a rock to your wrist and the other to a giant rock 2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

Real Estate Investor

You can then forget about your dilemma and focus all their attention on the rock placed on top of the mountain.

When the rock collapse aside, and you will not be part of the decision making process. When the rock reaches the end of the rope, his fate is determined, no need to push more. At this point one can only form an oval mouth and scream: "Ohhhhhh siiiiiiii"

"... And here comes his inability to do things, as happened to Luke Skywalker"

Remember when Luke Skywalker was trying to raise his ship off the ground trying to "think" about it (or using the "Strength" according to the film. "After many failed attempts, he told the green dwarf pointed ears that he thought no would be able to do it ... and review of Yoda was "Here's where your problem Luke." "If you think you can not, definitely not able Only when you think you" can. "- only then you will do it, and not before . "

Now relate these analogies with their own aspirations: The rock is moved toward the mountain when you start making phone calls, leaving messages and finance promises ... at this point is when you realize you've come too far to turn back. This is when the "spaceship" begins to lift off the ground when you discover what you are doing is working.

Think about it ... how a cowboy making the decision to cross through a mighty stream? On his brand new hat on the other side stands, knowing that he will not resign until he gets the Stetson $ 250 one way or another.
The Key (Demonstrate That Help them and foul them ago):
Always be completely honest, helpful and honest, and act selflessly prospects whether you interested in your offer or not. If you have researched your problems (the cause of their suffering) and found good solutions for them (the cure) they will pay you handsomely if you manage to alleviate these problems. However, if they do not have problems or do not know they have them, they may not require their services or that you have not told them about the shortcomings or problems they have.
Some expressions to make them notice your shortcomings:
Why do you think that this house has not been sold? How did you come to the conclusion that price? How this property compares with the houses in this street? How early will you be in your new job? How soon you will have to fill your new home? Is not it wonderful to pay the new house in just two installments? After accepting this offer, covering the costs of sale and renovation, and then you will pay taxes to both real money? Have you noticed the number of notices of "For Sale" on your street? Wow! What's that smell? Have just realized that a meteor just landed on your roof?
The Secret of Success:
The secret of success in this business is to learn to negotiate only with those most likely need the solutions we are offering. When we present these solutions to HELP ... rather than to help ourselves. My philosophy is that if I want to suggest a prospect something that is fair and honest, both sides will get at least what everyone is expecting.
If, however, my offer is geared to favor me, we both lose in the long run (when someone else with whom I do business or talk to think ill of me because of something I've done is not working for my interests. That time will have lost something that is worth more than the largest fortune that could have won or imagine winning because of that unfortunate decision.
In other words, we must look to anyone looking, that is, the motivated sellers. For example property owners with higher costs income, landowners who are tired of the maintenance costs, homeowners who are tired of the collections, FSBOs, Foreclosure properties, people who have made loans, divorces, bankruptcies, newly unemployed, etc. Not even make the first call to be clear before the following in advance:
"If I can find out their problems and where lies your pain, I have a way to help that will benefit us both. I do not need to give anyone a sales pitch: only need to listen carefully as they tell me about their worth and what they want to achieve. It is only then that introduce modifications to your requirements and offer my solution. "
A good way to tell (ask) during the initial call can be something like: "What do you think happens would" or "? Exactly you want to achieve you when you leave the property" These simple questions and their desire to help in time to manipulate someone to do his will, opens a new world to the acquisition of real estate ... working together with mutual respect and seeking mutual gain.

Building and Developing Your Buyers List

Building and Developing Your Buyers List

Before you start looking juicy prospect for share sales opportunities you should build and develop your list of buyers. If you studied my course then you have right now enough knowledge to find and close sales of units you are willing to work on them. The most important piece of the puzzle is to have buyers available to purchase hand dealings participation.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

When people hear the word "list", one of the first things that come to mind is that hundreds of investors with deep pockets are needed to build a list of buyers. Although having a big list would be ideal, it is not the case for most of the investors or is not necessary.
Adding clients to your list
Your list should include both investors and buyers of traditional housing. In my first 24 months as an investor in shares my buyers list consisted of only a handful of investors and traditional buyers.
Some were investors who were interested in acquiring from 7 to 10 homes to rent each, while others were looking for wholesale business. Additionally, I had many buyers who did the first time and who sold them the properties at deep discounts.
After 9 weeks early, I sold four properties to an investor and 8 to another. I kept 6 houses for me and I used by leasing or selling them after 6 months have purchased. I spent my time looking for businesses that met both the needs of my clients as mine, and talking with potential customers who could add to my contact list.
So actually I worked with three clients (both my investors and myself). Yes, I started making investment in shares primarily as an opportunity for long-term investment. Buy and hold is one of the best strategies you can employ if you want to acquire the maximum amount of profits with the least amount of adversity.
I'm sharing this story with you to tell you that the quality of the list of buyers is not determined solely by the number of investors you have, but by the number of "ready to buy" with which you tell investors. You will know when its investors willing and able to do when they are proactive and ask him to call you have available or when they try to "grab" one of his deal before the ink dries.
Once you have a list quite like that, you can go with confidence and find businesses to participate you not only negotiate successfully, it will earn money with them. What would work hard to participate in a business and not make money doing it? Let me answer that, there is none! Build your list now will reduce the chances that their businesses fail because they do not have an effective exit strategy. 

How do I Build a List of Buyers?

The first thing you need to do is take a piece of paper and make a list of everyone you know. The people you know are called their circle of influence. Unless you lived under a rock all your life, this exercise will take some time. The purpose of this activity brainstorming is that you start building a list of people with whom you have some kind of relationship. Some real estate agents have been taught to use this strategy.
For example, think of those people with whom you have spoken recently and mentioned buying a home or investment property. Also think about those people who you know and who like to take risks. You can also focus on those you know and that you know you have many friends and associates. In other words, let your mind expand as far as possible to have on hand a large initial list of prospects.
I know I said earlier that it was not necessary to have a long list of potential buyers; however, it is useful to start with many potential prospects to get as many potential investors to start working.
The reason why you want to start with your circle of influence is because many times people who buy or purchase referrals sent to be people you know. The two investors who spoke earlier were referred by former employees.
The next step you need to implement is to print a stack Buyer Information Forms (Information about the formats Buyer - these forms are included along with the disc formats and legal documents in the course). Then start talking to people who are on your list and start using this format as a guide to obtain the necessary information.
You need not ask as it appears in the format; instead talk to your prospect including these points so that it is not obvious that their questions were planned in advance. Start by talking with people who are more comfortable among which are part of your list so that you begin to develop the flow. Now you can keep track of all your prospects to access this information easily.
The format will tell you information such as the type of property looking its prospectus, how soon will they be ready to invest your price range, if they seek to inhabit a residence or as an investment, the way they finance the business and other information relevant.
Once you have contacted each contact in your circle of influence is in the list, you will need to expand that list to others outside you know personally. I recommend you to join an investment club real estate or at least to another organization or business network. Many of the people you know in these environments are looking for the next lucrative investment opportunity. If you can offer to other investors real estate business with great savings and minimal risk, you will attract a large set of reliable buyers with deep pockets that appear only expect their businesses to take them. 

Developing Your Buyers List

Once you have handy your list of potential buyers to begin building your list is time to develop such a list. How do you develop your list of buyers? Well, the first thing you have to do is classify each person on your list. You should separate your buyers into three categories:
Hot: Their hot buyers are investors who know what type of property they want and have the immediate resources available to close a business in a term of 15-30 days. They are risk takers. Many of these investors have been long enough in the business.
Lukewarm: His lukewarm buyers are investors who have some idea of what they want but they can also be open to suggestions if you have something worthwhile. They are the moderate risk takers. These investors are able to make investments in a frame of 2-4 months.
Cold: cold your buyers are investors who are interested in investing but are not sure what they are looking for and are not willing to take big risks. If there is an outstanding business at the right time, they will be included in it. However, this type of investor may be at a distance of 6 months to a year to make a purchase.
Once you have compiled and rated your list, the next thing you should do is start placing sales opportunities by investment. Begin placing ads, internet ads hire, and use magnetic stickers on the cars, place flyers to start his first business.
As a result of their consistent marketing efforts, you will get calls from investors asking about other businesses that you have available. Add these investors in your prospect list and categorize them as described above. Many investors have contacted will be "Hot Category Shoppers". I have on my list many buyers who contacted me after reading one of my ads on the Internet.
Build your list is an ongoing process since you added new potential buyers and investors daily or weekly to the list. The more investors you have qualified for business to participate, you will have higher profits.
Do not make the mistake of going out and negotiate a share sale without having a buyer or a solid strategy to find one. Having buyers for their treatment will make your business easier and give you the confidence and ability to place more business on your list.

How to Attract New Prospects Interested in the Residential Sector

How to Attract New Prospects Interested in the Residential Sector

Do not you think that all your friends, acquaintances or distant relatives are Realtors? How could anyone, especially someone new to the industry, to be able to succeed when faced with immense competition?
The answer begins to appear when you think about the following questions:
How many of the licensed real estate agents have the TALENT that is required for success in sales?
How many of them have been trained to use EFFECTIVE TECHNICAL SALES?
How many of them know how to effectively PROSPECT?
How many of them know YOU ASK to determine the factors that are critical in the buying decision of each prospect?
How many of them take their profession seriously and are WILLING TO PUT THE EFFORT AND TIME it takes to build a successful business?
How many of them regularly SOLD MANY HOMES MONTHLY?
The rule of 80/20 definitely applies to the field of residential real estate. In fact, some statistics suggest that the rate is more like 90/10 (where 90% of home sales are made by 10% of realtors), with the vast majority of home sales made by 1% that found in the elite.
That said, how can you attract customer’s rookie realtor? Building Your Credibility and RELATIONS. Explore both issues separately.
How to Build Credibility
Imagine that you are a complete novice agent real estate that just passed the license examination. Why would someone come to you to help you make what may be the biggest investment of their lives? What would you of other licensed real estate agents stand out?
If you are a novice in the profession, you will have no success story or testimony referring to which answers to those questions. However, there are many things you can do to quickly build your credibility. Here are some examples:
You can perform in-depth research on a specific aspect of your local real estate market and writing a "White Paper" or a "Special Report" to share with your prospects. Examples of topics could be "The Best Markets in (a specific area)" and "Prices of used homes for sale in the Last 12 months (a particular community)."
You can compile a "List of Resources for Newcomers" to show your prospects business premises, utilities, recreation, family restaurants, etc... Locality.
You can write articles and give free talks that have as subject the result of their investigations. There is great power in BE AUTHOR. If you can place useful information that has your name on it in the hands of potential prospects, you will gain credibility.
How to Build Relationships
A good start is to make sure that everyone knows (friends, family, acquaintances, old business contacts, etc...) You have received a licensed real estate agent. No matter where they live - who knows if one of your partners or friends decide to move to where your target market? The best single approach, a message of “soft sell” likes this "if you listen to someone who is interested in buying or selling a home, please let them know it would be my pleasure to help you."
When you make sure that everyone knows his new profession, begin to build new relationships. Do not just those contacts that are prospects. Also look for opportunities to develop relationships with people who can refer prospects. This includes:
Mortgage brokers
Vendors other than competition (egg, vendors of new homes only if you sell existing homes)
Property managers
Managers of corporate relocations
You can also seek relationships with people who have a large list of clients, such as accountants, financial advisors, and insurance agents.
Focus will be known your potential prospects and referral sources as PEOPLE. What do you do for a living? Why call them have a try? What are your concerns? What are your personal interests and their passions?
If you keep your "radar on" constantly, you never know when you get a resource that can be useful for someone else. If you focus on helping others to fulfill their goals and fulfill their needs and desires, you will be amazed with the number of referrals that come after him.
As you build your list of satisfied customers, you can expand your sales success through referrals and testimonials. However, the strategies described in this article have always given a higher boost his chances. 

Article translated and published with the express permission of the author
Credits photos and images. Microsoft Corporation

Translation made ​​for Realtor Essentials.com by Monica Loeb Janet Wiles

Can I find good business in a dynamic market?

Can I find good business in a dynamic market?

Question: I move in a market where you can get a house almost full price offer within a week. I cannot buy a house for less than the actual value of sale and no one is willing to give, as there are thousands of qualified home buyers. Should I expect the market to decrease your pace? What do you advise me to do? SR, Philadelphia.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

Can I find good business in a dynamic market?

Answer: We've all known its function in a market like the one you described, and have done so for long. The National Association of Realtors reported this situation for 3 years, there is money available for mortgages and anyone who wants to get it working in the real estate sector. These factors add tremendous competition added to potential homeowners that can be placed in almost any price range. The competition raises prices and market yields results.
At the same time, real estate investors are buying properties for pennies to negotiate with vendors, and generally thrive on par with others. Why businesses are closing them when you are not doing? I suggest you evaluate if you are looking at the wrong properties, and do not have enough strategies to find the right game.
Obviously, a seller who has a nice house in a good neighborhood and the ability to wait months before selling not accept your offer of seventy percent of the value of the property or accept cumbersome processes involved in credit. Why should they? Your competition for this type of property will always take the lead, because they buy for different reasons (school system, aesthetics, like zip code) to what you do.
Such sellers are always the most easily identifiable because they are generally enrolled in the lists of real estate agents or at least put a notice of "Sold by Owner" in the garden. However, the most obvious Sellers are not those with the professional Realtor looking to negotiate.
Regardless of the economic prosperity of the moment and despite the fact that many properties are sold by more than 100% of the actual value for a period of 30 days, there are still sellers who have problems that prevent them sell quickly (or at least as fast as the seller needs to) by the total value of the property. It is with these vendors you need to work, for those problems to solve you will receive earnings for those properties. Do not expect to find these vendors on the list of Multiple Listing Service. Although the MLS is still my favorite way to find properties to acquire, any property offers aggressively by real estate agents, property owners and investors clients. Instead, use the advertisements and distribute flyers. Write letters to people who have properties for sale. Find ways to contact those vendors and let them know you can help.
My last 2 business involving a divorce and a frustrated landlord, and these properties were acquired through a loan. Three of the four investors came thanks to an ad in the local newspaper and the fourth was referred by another investor.

Investors in my market - even those with years of experience - have complained about the same situation you describe. Although they are still doing business. Maybe it's a little harder to find vendors that cooperate compared with 10 years ago, as in all businesses, you only adapt their methods to the state of the market. And as things are, is slow.

Interest rates have risen, realtors are laying mortgage sellers, mortgage rates are accelerating goods and virtually any wholesaler is opening a fast sales department to negotiate the mortgage payments. This is all I can say. Go out and get some business!

Business Confidence

Business Confidence

The famous author and humorist Mark Twain wrote that to succeed in life, you only need two things: ignorance and confidence. Well, I'm not sure ignorance is something that appeals to modern business, but I agree that trust is a key factor for success. Did you know that is not the type of person who is confident Think? Well I have good news: there are only two types of people in the world - people who are confident.

Trust is only a sense of wellbeing that comes from the certainty that you will be able to face any challenge. It's something that people are born. You need to go step by step to increase your confidence. And, we all have great days and not so good days. Using my techniques you will be able to increase your mental strength when you do not feel at his best.

Executives of Microsoft Corporation

Remember that having a sense of self-assurance is not a purely mental thing. Confidence is an attribute that comes from the sum total of his being. So, whether you are shy or outgoing, is very important regular exercise. Physical activity not only active chemicals in your brain to make you serve well, but also recharge your energy level up. As a result, you will have confidence to face anything - even eight o'clock in the evening!

And, depending on how you feel your body will affect your mental state. Complementing the regular exercise, I also recommend you a balanced diet. Believe it or not, part of what determines their moods is what your body is. What you eat can help you manage stress. By eating healthy food, you will see that your mood and your confidence will increase dramatically.

Trust is also a reflection of how we think other people chasing us. If we think others perceive us positively, we will be more outgoing and more confident, and the end result will be that everyone will know that you feel extraordinarily well. It is a benefit that builds on itself.

The opposite is also true, if you feel shy and unsure of himself, then it will start to fall in a downward slope. The end result will be that you will be afraid or worried and all those around you will notice. One way around this is to force yourself to strike up conversations with new people. When you realize that he likes you to these people and they enjoy your company, your confidence will be increased naturally.

Also, to dress for success! - When you see a good looking and professional, you will have more confidence when doing business. I'm not referring to that you should spend a fortune on the most expensive clothes, but as you seat outside VA to affect how you feel inside.

The last component to gain confidence is to set goals and achieve them. This need not be only great goals. By establishing brands and surpass, you prove to yourself that when you propose something, you can and will get it. Remember, trust is something you can create. And after that you trust your own abilities, the sky really is the limit.

Do I have to rent to him / her?

Do I have to rent to him / her?

As a lawyer, I represent organizations that manage properties and I offer legal advice to apartment managers. Periodically, I have conversations with my clients that happen as follows:
Admin: This guy came this morning and I asked him to lease apartment. He looked ordinary and I had a bad feeling about him. Do I have to lease it?
Me: Why did a bad?
Admin: he has called every two hours to see if your application was approved. Then he puts me on call waiting every time I call him, as it has many incoming calls. The I cried when I said I could not process your application without a copy of your driver's license. He has asked to see the same two apartments every day for a week. He told my assistant that my team was incompetent because he could not say how many cubic inches was the refrigerator. He wants to see the resumes of all equipment maintenance. Once he did mourn one of my agents. This man is vulgar and rude.
Me: Did you complete the application?
Manager: Yes. It has a good credit history, no criminal history and has sufficient income. Verify all information in the application. He is qualified to be a tenant here.
Me: Do you have a written document, which shows the requirements for admission?
Admin: Yes, and meets all the requirements, but I cannot imagine having to see him during the following year. Do I have to rent?
Me: No.
Manager: No? Would not it be discrimination? I am not obligated to treat everyone the same way?
Me: not necessarily. At least that reason not rent to this person not related to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability (protected class), you are not required to rent.
Admin: If he was in the protected class would I be forced to rent anyway?
Me: No. You are not required to rent to people simply because they are in the category of protected class. If your decision to deny the application does not have anything to do with race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability. You may deny the application for a different reason. For example, the person making the request may be within the protected class, but if he refuses to completely fill out the application, you can refuse to rent to you because of this. Everything is ok as long as you keep equality as if it had been a person not protected. However, it is important that you document in your file the reasons why you have been denied a request, if I had to defend that decision in the future.

Manager: Does this mean I can have a policy of not admitting rude people?
Me: Yes. As you may have a policy of not allowing people with criminal records, not having enough income, having poor hygiene or having a bad credit history. The legal decision depends on whether you have had as an argument to the decision of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status or disability of the prospectus. If your decision is due to an entirely different cause, you will not be breaking the law.
Manager: Do I have to tell him that this is declining your request? Do I have to explain why you do not rent it?
Me: No. At least concerned a related matter your credit history you do not have to give explanations. I recommend that you confirm in writing in a letter that all requests have been denied, although this is not necessary. In this situation, you do not have to say why it did not accept the request in the letter if it will send.
Administrators typically are surprised when they hear that they have no obligation to accept people who otherwise qualify to be tenants. This is due to wrong you should treat everyone the same way concept. It's a good idea to be consistent in how you treat all people, but no one undertakes to treat all people equally.

However, if you reject a request because it does not like a person, you run the risk of being sued for discrimination in case of a person belonging to the protected class. For example, if you refuse the request of a Hispanic woman who is in a wheelchair and have three children under age by the fact that she is obnoxious and rude to you and your team. The jury will be much easier to think that the rejection was due to any cause (disability, race, family status) and not the fact of misconduct on his part.

The Business of Building: Full report

The Business of Building: Full report
Features construction business
Construction, from the point of view of private investors, is characterized with respect to most other industries in that success (or failure) of a given real estate development begins and ends with the construction and sale of the same enterprise.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy
Any other industrial branch involves investment in assets closely linked to the maintenance over time of a particular production line. Thus, those who invest in a food production facility cannot stop making food products without incurring huge losses associated with capital tied by unprofitable plant.
By contrast, in the construction industry each work itself becomes a single production line that starts with investing in the field and the associated project and finally closed the day we sold the last functional unit.
Similarly, the success of a particular real estate product will not guarantee equal outcomes for another enterprise of the same features, yet run by the same manager in a similar property, strongly depending on the results of various factors, among which may be mentioned:
- The location
- The characteristics of the market you are targeting,
- The existence of credit and attractive interest rates,
- The political and macroeconomic context and magnitude of the associated risk aversion,
- The way the public perceives the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise.
As a matter of approach and in order to define the roles in a real estate project refers to the following scheme where focus on the roles played by each of the participants:
Scheme Participants of Renovations
It is a person, or group of associated persons, making the investment and development of a certain Entrepreneurship covering their design, construction and marketing. In the case of public works the developer is the State; in the case of corporate headquarters of a large company the developer may be the same company. Within the private work preliminary to define two categories of developers:
Stable Developers: are those who throughout the years have maintained their presence through the generation of several ventures, concentrating most of its business in the construction of real estate projects. In this category one can mention RAGHSA and BKS, among others.

Occasional Developers: are those whose "core business" is not the building but make the decision to address a very specific project under market conditions motivated by the possibility of making a good business in a favorable economic context (egg, a group of small associated investors to build an apartment building).
Another example is the occasional developer aforementioned companies facing building their own buildings (Resold, Telecom, Group Fort bat, etc...).
The development of entrepreneurship requires the generation of areas responsible for design, construction, management and marketing venture, in addition to administrative, financial and legal structure.
In the context of the previous scheme, all the above areas belonging to the unique structure of the Developer are the administrative and financial sectors, all the remaining areas.
The project is responsible for Architecture according to the guidelines established by the Developer, after analysis of the commercial viability of Entrepreneurship. In this first stage, the firm exchanged proposals with the Developer and Real Estate Consultants, in order to define the distinctive features of the project considering the market segment that will target and the marketing conditions. For the technical definition of the project, the Study of Architecture will involve a study of Structural Engineering, Facilities advisors, etc...
The same study Architecture prepares preliminary budgets as you progress through the project definition work proposing deadlines; from which the developer performs the relevant financial evaluations in flows to consider throughout the construction and marketing of Entrepreneurship.
The construction of the actual work that engages a construction company (or several contractors according to the type of contract chosen by the Developer) who previously was awarded the competitive bidding for implementing the project. For the construction of the work, the Construction Company employs labor (own or outsourced), purchase materials (concrete, brick, cement, etc...) And equipment (furniture, elevators, carpentry, etc...) And contracts for services (facilities, painting, health and safety, project structure, etc...)
Legal Structure

The legal area is usually outsourced to one or more studies dealing with the drafting of contracts, tickets, deeds, etc.., and solves issues inherent to the area along the development of Entrepreneurship.

Construction Management

The Construction Management Client technically represents the work and is responsible for it to be executed in full compliance with the contract specifications of the project. Such direction may be exercised both by the same study that implemented the project as a Studio or Professional oblivious to that. During the nineties in some enterprises Management Mode of Construction and Project 2 was adopted.


The marketing area usually focuses on one or more Developments whose participation is reflected in the definition of requirements Entrepreneurship during the first stage of the project, and later seized of all items related to the promotion and sale of Entrepreneurship in different instances marketing.

Scheme Participants Renovations used as the basis for defining the industry players admitted to various modifications over time: in several cases has been unified with the Developer role of the Construction or with the Housing that of Project Management, or Architecture Studio Developer with. In addition, the emergence of new forms of financing works 3, such as the financial trust, gave authority to roles as trust or, trustee and beneficiary.

- >> Sale and financing of private work

There are three basic methods of sale:

1-A. Fixed price sale: used in periods without inflation or predictable variations thereof, is setting a selling price in the time of the operation. The amount is considered fixed and is independent of the value of the rate that could disqualifies the buyer in the event that this recourse to credit to enter the well. This interest rate
Will reflect only the credit risk and the value of money over time without considering other variables associated with any changes in prices of inputs involved in the work.

1-B. Fixed indexed Sale price: when there is uncertainty about the behavior of inflation in the short and medium term, the developer stops absorbing this risk and it is transferred to the buyer by the addition of a rate component that adjusts unpaid direct debit balances or indirectly for inflation.

1-C. Retail cost: supported by at least two variants:

a. System consortium: the organizer of the enterprise sells the land (with a percentage of profit with respect to its cost) a group of persons in whose name the deed and who become joint owners of the land. The consortium signed a contract turn to a study of architecture, one with a construction and, eventually, another with a management. Through these contracts the homeowners agree to pay the costs of the whole construction including materials, labor and professional fees. Each condominium owner shall have the right, at the end of the work, on one or more units of the enterprise.

b. Ticketing system: different system consortia that a conveyance of the land, i.e. does not occur, is the owner of the land which hires professionals and the company and not the buyers of the units who, however, receive a ticket purchase - Sales units purchased, which will be titled later.

Regarding the financing of works, there are three basic procedures:

. 1 Like Capital: entrepreneurship is financed wholly or partly with equity entrepreneur group.

. 2 Credits long term is wholly or partly financed with loans from financial institutions. The high interest rates in times of industry activity coupled with the lack of credit in force since 2001 make this appeal to be closer to a real alternative financing theoretical enunciation.

. 3 Financial Trusts: Escrow is the assignment by a person or company (trust or) to another person or partnership (Trustee) of a particular good (land) in order that the works required for execution are performed there a particular enterprise. After completing this, your units may be transferred to the purchasers.

This results in higher operative assurances and benefits for all integral parts of the business, among which may be noted:

a) The settler and the trustee does not confuse their heritage or their property to the trust assets involved in entrepreneurship and that this constitutes a distinct heritage of involvement, so that in case the venture could not be realized, not produce the bankruptcy trustee or the only trustee and liquidate the assets of the trust for the creditors of the trust.

b) In respect of beneficiaries (those who contributed work or development money hoping to get a certain utility) and trustees (those purchasers of housing units as final recipients) have secured their loans being able to collect the affected assets exclusively for them.

c) The trustee is prohibited from acquiring any assets it manages and is required to account for their management.

d) To ensure continuity of the project there is the figure of the substitute trustee.

e) Absence of retroactive effect of the revocation of the domain by the trustee so they can not affect the rights acquired by third parties.

Finally, it can be stated other inherent variations to the concept of funding, such as the early redemption of bonds denominated State dollars (BODEN 2012), received by those who agreed to swap their fixed deadlines rescheduled, the application of resources of the administrators financing private housing construction, the establishment of investment funds that would allow the funding of the work and the final purchasers, changes in tax regulations for enterprises housing for middle and low, etc. sectors.

Regarding the involvement of BODEN 2012 for the construction of individual homes, the 15/05/03 the bidding process was closed; receiving 116 deals amounting to $ 27 million, being the Original quota established $ 150 million. With regard to the same defined operative housing projects, given the number of
Operations in the process of presentation, there was a 45 day extension to the deadline for receipt of tenders by the Ministry of Finance.

- >> How hires and manages the execution of a work?

The most common way of contracting work is by "Set Elevation" system whereby the execution of a work contract (or part of this such as plumbing, electrical, etc...) Where the builder is responsible for realizing the project and deliver the projected benefits and according to his purpose.

Within the same system a work can be contracted by "separate contracts" where several companies are hired, each responsible for a specific item (masonry, concrete, installation of air conditioning, painting, etc.).

The other option of hiring within the elevation adjustment scheme is the "turnkey" in which the execution of the entire work to a single firm is hired, which is responsible for the execution of all items of the same.

In our country, over the years the implementation of most of the work has depended (from the point of view of their project and technical realization) of three main characters: the Planner, Construction Management and Construction Company (or contractors of each item in the event that the work is done by separate contracts).

The project and construction management is usually the responsibility of an Architecture that is running the project and appoints its own professional to exercise the office of Director of Development.

In some instances, the Owner decides Entrepreneurship separate figures Planner and Construction Management of work, assigning them to two separate studies.

The responsibility of the Planner is to produce project documentation, according to the needs of the owner of the enterprise, respecting the regulations and restrictions imposed by official bodies.

The primary responsibility of the Project Manager is to ensure the
Faithful implementation of the project in the works after inspection and approval of the work performed in accordance with the applicable rules of the different control bodies (Municipality, Service Companies and Entities Regulators, etc.).

The execution of the work ensures a Construction Company whose responsibility is to build "turnkey", i.e. according to the specifications of the contractual project and taking care of every detail to deliver the unit to their owners in perfect working.

A variant of the above is the administration of the work of separate (usually by the Project Manager or a hired ad hoc administrator) contracts, i.e., without the existence of a construction company in charge of the work, but a different coordinator subcontracts work.

Resulting scheme arises from a sense of the times that elapse between the appointments of the Study by the Project to completion of a work. The stages of design and construction of a venture, as usual in the Argentine market, are distinct entities, namely the step of construction does not start until it is not defined the design stage, resulting in "dead time "between the two steps necessary to tender the works, evaluate budgets and generate project modifications to suit the amount of investment planned by the head of the enterprise.

As an example, assume that a venture project requires 90 days 40 days notice and award the work to 180 days for construction. According to the sequence mentioned in the previous paragraph, the total time would be 310 days and the resulting Gantt would be: On the other hand, in the scheme mentioned is that the investor bears the risk of higher costs to resolve between course in the instance of the project and the final cost of the work.

During the nineties, with the objective of minimizing the sum of the listed times and find a way to spread the risk of higher costs with those responsible for the development and implementation of the project began to be used in Argentina the Management system Work.

In this system, most used in North America, the responsibilities of the Project and Construction Management of the resources are unified. Thus, the takes responsibility for the Project Management and Implementation of Entrepreneurship ensuring a maximum price, assuming responsibility for any surplus of the price and sharing the benefits with the Purchaser obtained in the case of a lower final price than the agreed in the pattern budget.
Unlike the traditional form, in one occurs Management
Tasks overlap shortening the total time for the execution of Entrepreneurship. This can be seen in the following Gantt chart for the same period’s hypothesis posed earlier:

The deadlines were optimized in 60 days, i.e., improved by about 20% the original full term without changing the partial terms of each of the tasks.
Contracts are concluded between the Client and Subcontractors and payments (approval certificates by Green and Client) are issued in the name of each contractor, not counting Gerenciadora intervention in the payment process, ensuring direct payment to contractors.

However, despite the obvious advantages of this system, he never managed to win the traditional above-mentioned scheme. The possible reasons may be their low diffusion, few unsuccessful experiences, shaping the figure not being a construction company; you must have the financial backing that allows you to deal with any excess budget pattern and, finally, the erroneous assumption that it is a system for large-scale works.

Real Estate Investment

Real Estate Investment

On a good foundation you can build a good building,
and the best foundation in the world are for the money. "
Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quijote.
Real estate is one of the more traditional investment vehicles. Physically and psychologically close to the inverter and are part of our financial culture. Phrases like "The house wants married", "The best investment is bricks" or "Nothing better than the roof itself" demonstrate this cultural imprint.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

They are an instrument of conservative (apparently) due to its tangibility. We can see and touch the bricks. However, this does not imply that lacks property price volatility. So does that generate income (rent).

Real estate is an imperfect market, compared to what happens in the stock market, because the number of participants is much lower. Their main problem is the lack of liquidity (not a minor detail!).

The property is an interesting investment vehicle, whether the handled properly. Generally provide adequate protection against inflation and correlación1 with other assets is relatively low, so they are useful to diversify an investment portfolio.

Real estate is a good investment option.

The Achilles heel of the property is indicated in its name, "can not move", and therefore are "captives" of the jurisdiction where they are. When planted in countries of little legal certainty and large fiscal voracity are permanently exposed to emergency taxes, extra fees or arbitrary regulations. Being recordable assets (listed in the Register of Deeds and traded through deeds) is difficult for investors to avoid paying taxes. They are also subject to country risk, systemic risk, which is often the residence of the investor, which suffer identical fluctuations that much of the equity investor (business or commercial activity, domestic bank accounts, cars, etc..), By it is not offset their risk.

Regarding performance, it is estimated that a property produces, in normal times, a gross income in the order of 5 to 10%. From here you have to deduct depreciation, dead periods, repairs, taxes, etc.. Proceeds from rentals are difficult as re-investment in real estate, which requires great investment discipline, which should apply to a fund and then buy more properties, ball if you want to benefit from the exponential growth of compound interest (effect snow).

As for the attention they require for their care and management is much higher than the other mentioned instruments, precisely due to the fact that physical assets. Present certain risks that should be covered by their respective insurance (other expenses to consider), for example the risk of fire, floods, riots, terrorist acts or wars. Other risks, such as sinking or construction defects, often not feasible to cover; it is possible that a tenant does not pay and must be evicted, which means additional expenses and lost income (also often necessary repairs for the poor treatment of these persons) -. There is an additional risk, usurpation, facilitated by legal uncertainty and inaction of the authorities in Argentina.

When you invest in the real estate market should consider the following rule: The gain must be obtained to buy, not to sell. This is where being an imperfect market becomes a benefit. Imperfections allow opportunities exist buy below market value. Real estate business should be conducted only under this condition: Buying in an emergency situation, paying a price below market value.

Here are some examples:

• Public Shooting: Here the sale or yes takes on a certain date (at a base price or sometimes without). This provides exciting opportunities. You need to have cash (usually 30% immediately and the balance within a few days). We must also deal with "La Liga", which usually grab operations. Attending an auction is a very educational activity for investors interested in the real estate market.

• Inheritance: The heirs of a succession usually require liquidate their properties with some urgency, and the diversity of interests of participants allowed the opportunity to negotiate favorable purchasing conditions.

• Periods housing slump: They are the ideal time for shopping: when all sold! The property has business cycles of expansion and retraction systemic. Wait patiently for the time of falling prices is the best strategy. If one analyzes the market and historical evolution can detect most convenient valleys. Periods of economic disturbance, such as devaluations or institutional crises-usually accompanied by sharp price declines (eg Argentina, 2002).

Within the broad real estate market there are several options. Briefly examine four: fields, urban lots, houses and apartments.

• Fields: We assume that we are fit for productive activities (usually agricultural). Typically require greater investment and expertise. His administration has some complexity. They can be let (rent) for rent. Being linked to external market related activities (mainly agricultural), their dollar value is more stable than the rest of the estate; in exchange liquidity is lower. Their value may increase over time due to the zonal improvements.

• Urban Lands: Serve as a long term investment for its increase in value over time as cities grow. In general do not generate income, with some exceptions, such as parking lots for rent or deposits. Municipalities often punish the vacant lots with higher taxes to avoid land speculation caused by the appreciation of value above.

• Homes: investments involve certain magnitude because a lot is acquired and construction. The lot value increases over time, but the building undergoes a process of depreciation (has a lifespan and require maintenance). Management is more tedious than a department.

• Departments: They require less investment than a house and less maintenance. They are the most common method for obtaining a rental income election. Depreciate over time due to consumption of the life of the building.

Each of these classifications may be subdivided and studied in more detail, considering issues of location, type of construction, property type, etc..

It should be stressed that in the field of real estate, the most important factor is the location of the property.

Note that from the point of view of personal finances, especially when we talk about housing, it is more convenient to rent than buy. But in case you want to own your own home, it is usually more favorable shopping (drawing favorable terms) to build, as the build we lose the opportunity to purchase a bargain and also to carry out the project itself, it tends to overestimate the house. Each square meter of added more to the taste of the owner or decreases liquidity of the property, to further limit the universe of potential buyers.

It can be appropriate when we use a modular building project carried out in stages, always keeping the idea of ​​not deviate from what the market demands (to greater liquidity and value to the property). The luxuries and tastes hardly be reflected in the resale price of construction (A Carrara marble cladding in the bathroom can be aesthetically pleasing to the owner, but is often not properly recognized by the buyer, to evaluate the property at the time of acquiring it). This does not mean that you can not afford some luxuries, but from the point of view of Personal Finance this choice is not the most appropriate for your equity.

To purchase a property for investment or for personal use locate necessary for each step of the transaction advice. The cost of the consultants should recover the benefits they will generate. In a joint operation may involve the following advisory: a real estate agent to get the best property at the best price (if buying at auction should first contacting the auctioneer for details and get your feedback); a notary to perform notarial whole process of transfer of ownership (check titles and debts, ticket purchase venta2, writing, etc..) counsel to advise on any legally complex situation or any potential risk; and (preferably independent) financial consultant, to assist in all aspects relating to the convenience of operation, funding and its impact on the economy of the buyer.

Remember that financial intelligence is acquired through study and ongoing practice. Start today a self-training; do not miss an opportunity to incorporate new knowledge and to maintain contact with the market. That is, reading good books on the subject, attend seminars, get a good mentor, consult specialized magazines and newspapers, perform operations that keep 'connected' with the market and any other activity that allows you to increase your financial capabilities.

Investment in Uruguay

Investment in Uruguay

Why investors around the world choose to Oriental Republic of Uruguay to develop their business?

* Because Uruguay is a safe country not only for business but also to live.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy

* Because in Uruguay always prevails respecting the law and private property, which were never enslaved beyond individual national governments. This fosters an ideal to decide with confidence for different types of real estate investment context.

* Because it is a country where both the state and private respect and honor their contracts.

* Because of its strategic location, low costs of operation and good level of training of human resources, have been crucial to the establishment of large multinational companies such as Botnia, Tata Consultancy Services , IBM , Sabre , and Xerox , among others, , who have chosen Uruguay as a platform for their operations in the region.

* Transparency International (TI), an international organization dedicated to fighting political corruption, pointing to Uruguay as the 2nd country in South America with the lowest rates of corruption.

* Because there Uruguay and banking secrecy is respected, it is also a country where savers can choose to keep their deposits in international currencies (dollars, euros) and guard against possible currency fluctuations locally. In addition, the currency exchange is governed by the law of free-market-is the financial center and it remains solid and stable even in times of international crisis.

* Uruguay has excellent airports and an extensive road infrastructure, with roads and paths connecting every corner of the country.

Invest to live in Uruguay

Invest to live in Uruguay
How is live in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay?
* Uruguay is a country where nature and respect for the environment conducive to an excellent quality of life for all its inhabitants.2 bhk apartments in trichy 2 bhk Flats for sale in trichy
* Families can live healthy tranquility in one of the safest countries in the region, enjoy travel freely through the streets and see their kids jumping fearlessly into squares, beaches and parks.
* People in Uruguay are cordial and respectful of others, are they citizens or tourists from any source.
* In Uruguay everything is there no more, and you can go from the city to the countryside or to the beach in less than an hour.
* The climate is mild and safe from natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc... No major heat waves affecting the health of people.
* Uruguay is truly peace-loving people, it is not known as a target of terrorist movements and with its neighbors in the region and the world a cordial relationship.
* Education in Uruguay is a priority for the rulers, by which the population holds a very good educational level, occupying the top echelons in South America and Central America. There are few Uruguayans who have English as their second language which favors fluid communication in the cultural field and in the business.
* Uruguay has much to offer culturally and entertainment: theater, music, art; also has excellent dining options where you can find your preference and undiscovered new flavors.

* Uruguay lets you enjoy deserted beaches, endless prairies, or exclusive resorts such as Punta Del Este.

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Blog about real estate investment opportunities

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Maximiliano Mountaineer